New Painting – Fabiana in Paris

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

This commissioned piece is an anniversary gift for a beautiful woman, Fabiana. The pictures I worked with to create this painting were taken in Paris 2009, and Fabiana’s husband, Scott, has always loved the time they shared in the romantic city. The rainy street scene in Paris is cozy with warm lights, and Fabiana is central to the painting, standing out in her white coat, with direct engagement with the viewer.

The “sweet spot” of the painting is, of course, Fabiana, and also the moving pieces directly around her (see below picture). It is this part of the painting I want to draw viewers to and invite them to dwell. It is in this area that I use thicker paint, brighter colors, bolder lines, and finer details.

When I first start a painting, I don’t have an elaborate drawing plan or a fixed color scheme. The painting unfolds as it should, and it informs me how it wants to be painted. It’s much like following the bread crumbs for a bird. I don’t need to know how exactly the painting will unfold, I just need to take the next step, and let the next step become known to me. I keep the painting process as organic and alive as possible. There’s nothing worse for me than to see a painting that is technically beautiful but spiritless.

Here I will share some pictures of the in-progress painting.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.

custom portrait. custom painting. Paris city. Nina Huang Paintings.